Saturday, October 12, 2019


     Author Matt Binder wrote an article on Mashable entitled, "Facebook has a gaping loophole in its fight against fake news." Throughout the article, Binder examined how Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook company have tried to cut down the news that is "false" on its platform. However, people are still getting a lot of false news on Facebook, which shows Zuckerberg and his team have more work to do. 

     Some precautions Facebook took in 2017 including announcing "it was ending the ability for users to edit link previews" (Binder para. 8). Facebook thought this action would help deal with the fake news issue. Still, there have been links to glitches where you can still edit link previews. Binder provided a great example of fake news on Facebook when "Howard Schultz dropped out of the presidential race." Continuing to describe how Facebook took its time in shutting down this post contributed to many people not trusting Facebook to be a reliable source of information.

     I believe one major takeaway from this situation is that the inability to keep false statements off of Facebook and other platforms make peoples confirmation biases stronger. Too many people just look for information that will validate what they already believe. It's important for us to hear the truth, even if that information undermines what we have believed. This is a hard issue to deal with, but Facebook and other platforms are not doing enough to solve the problem.

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