Wednesday, November 13, 2019


     Of the eight values of freedom of expression we discussed in class, I believe that promoting innovation is the most important one. If a government/society fully protects and values the freedom of speech, then people are more likely to be more creative and energized. This is because, for you to develop a growing and vibrant community, you need innovation. 

     According to McKinsey & Company, "84% of executives say that their future success is dependent in innovation." Innovation is creating and implementing a new idea that can increase standards of living and opportunities. Change can lead to more significant opportunities by penetrating markets faster and connecting to developing markets more easily. 

     How would limits on speech and expression affect innovation today? First, people would be more afraid to put their words and ideas out into the world and marketplace. Limiting speech generates fear, and fear is the enemy of innovation. Second, people would be intimidated to spread the words and ideas they encounter in societies that limit expression and speech. New and sometimes controversial ideas and proposals need books, movies, films, and the internet to spread from creators to pioneers to early adopters under the Theory of Diffusion of Innovation. 

     With the freedom of speech we have here in America, we can innovate like no other country. The Pew Reseach Center surveyed 38 countries around the world to see which country had the biggest right to freedom of speech. In 2015 at the end of the survey, Pew Research found that "Americans are more tolerant of free speech than other nationalities." That is why I believe America is one of the most innovative countries ion the world. 

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